Vintage Camera #032 Posted on 27th December 20239th March 2025 by Laurence Kodak No. 2 Folding Autographic Brownie I’ve had this model of Folding Brownie camera for many years; I’ve posted about it previously and I’ve used it previously, it didn’t go well. Recently though, I bought one on eBay that seemed to be in much better condition in the hope that I might get some better results. Continue reading “Vintage Camera #032” →
Vintage Camera #026 Posted on 25th May 202227th December 2023 by Laurence Zorki 1 Type C Next out to play from my camera cabinet is one of several Soviet era cameras I bought. This is a 1953 Zorki 1 Type C. If you’ve seen my Pearl River post, you’ll be both pleased and unsurprised to learn that this camera is not as bad as that. Continue reading “Vintage Camera #026” →
Vintage Camera #017 Posted on 31st March 20221st April 2022 by Laurence Pearl River 6×6 TLR Kicking off my efforts with the latest batch of purchases (New year, new…resolution?), which incidentally didn’t stop at 22, I went out with a Pearl River 6×6 twin lens reflex. Loaded with trusty HP5+ film I duly went ahead and took a few shots, all onto the same frame, before I remembered that I need to wind the film on each time. Continue reading “Vintage Camera #017” →
Photo Project – Kodak Retina II S, 1959 Posted on 3rd August 201510th February 2022 by Laurence After a somewhat unsuccessful attempt with the Kodak Brownie as described in my previous post, I’ve decided to park that one for the moment. I have now moved on to the 1959 Kodak Continue reading “Photo Project – Kodak Retina II S, 1959” →
Photo Project – Kodak No 2 Folding Brownie Posted on 20th July 201522nd February 2022 by Laurence I’ve been intending to get back into film photography for a long time. After completing an A Level in photography eight years ago, I rewarded myself with a second hand Digital SLR, and never picked up a film camera again. That has all changed now though. I couldn’t warrant the cost of paying £10-odd a time to get films processed without even getting prints or a CD of them, and especially not knowing whether I would even get any negatives that were anything other than plain black or plain white rectangles, so I duly went and bought all the equipment and chemicals to process them myself. Continue reading “Photo Project – Kodak No 2 Folding Brownie” →
Try This: Light Painting Posted on 23rd July 201312th April 2020 by Laurence So I’ve created a new category for my blog: “Try This“. Here I’m going to post occasional articles about projects for you to try, with tips and ideas. Make it a weekend project, or a day project, whatever you like. Tonight I’m going to suggest you try Light Painting. There are a number of different interpretations to this, but the easiest thing to do is essentially to get a torch, put the camera on a tripod with a long exposure, and move the torch around in front of the camera. How easy is it? Continue reading “Try This: Light Painting” →
Out with the camera, finally Posted on 20th June 201317th December 2020 by Laurence I moved house at the beginning of March this year, and most things are still packed away in boxes. I kept my digital camera equipment out so I could use it, and obviously, I haven’t. In fact excepting a few iPhone imports to be done, my most recent folder in my Lightroom catalogue is from way back in January. Continue reading “Out with the camera, finally” →