Why I shoot film Posted on 11th March 202511th March 2025 by Laurence We all know why not to shoot film. There’s no need for me to go into detail other than to say expensive, slow, delay, hassle, digital. Just those five words are probably enough for anyone to clearly explain why they would never try, or why they gave up shooting film. I’m not about to start discussing that here, it’s well documented and frequently discussed. I want to think about the real reasons I shoot film, and perhaps why more people should give it a try. Continue reading “Why I shoot film” →
New year, new…resolution? Posted on 14th February 202210th March 2025 by Laurence New year’s resolutions are not really my thing. I don’t really see the need to wait for a new year to decide to achieve something. January in the UK is often seen as a difficult time for many people; recovering from the excesses of alcohol and spending of Christmas, coupled with it being a long month in the depths of an often grey British winter. The only real resolution I had made in the last ten years or so was at the beginning of 2020 when I vowed to go and visit some new countries that I hadn’t visited before. And then Covid-19. Fast forward to February 2022. I still haven’t been to a new country since making that resolution (I can’t really count a few days in Scotland). During January, I managed to get ill with Covid myself, so I had plenty of time to think. As a result, I’ve decided to revive this site somewhat. I also went on eBay and ended up with quite a selection of old cameras. Continue reading “New year, new…resolution?” →
Paris – again? Posted on 12th June 20209th March 2025 by Laurence …and again. I’ve been to a few places since I last posted, but I’ve been back to Paris again twice. The next visit was just a few months after the first, doing a similar type of trip; another spur of the moment, long weekend with no planning or organisation. Those are the best. For this trip I saw a little more of the city and finally went up the Eiffel Tower. By the time I’d waited in all the queues to get in and get to the top, it was already dark, but that made for a brilliant view. Continue reading “Paris – again?” →
Photo Project – Kodak Retina II S, 1959 Posted on 3rd August 201510th February 2022 by Laurence After a somewhat unsuccessful attempt with the Kodak Brownie as described in my previous post, I’ve decided to park that one for the moment. I have now moved on to the 1959 Kodak Continue reading “Photo Project – Kodak Retina II S, 1959” →
Is photography Art? Posted on 10th December 201412th April 2020 by Laurence art ɑːt/ noun 1. the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be app On The Guardian’s website today, I read an article, obviously by a regular columnist, talking about the most expensive photograph ever to be sold, at $6.5m (somewhere north of £4million). The columnist states: Continue reading “Is photography Art?” →
West Horsham Railway Station Posted on 10th October 201312th April 2020 by Laurence The old railway station at Christ’s Hospital, known as ‘West Horsham Christ’s Hospital’, was opened at the start of the 20th Century, at the time the Christ’s Hospital school relocated from London because they wanted more rural surroundings. The school contributed to the cost of constructing the station, which consisted of seven platforms when it originally opened. Continue reading “West Horsham Railway Station” →
WWII Tank Traps Posted on 15th August 201312th April 2020 by Laurence Yesterday I went exploring near Horsham, and discovered further World War II defences on the Arun-Ouse Stop Line; a small bridge crossing the river Arun west of Horsham was defended by two tank traps or ‘coffins’, designed to stop tanks from getting through and crossing the bridge. Another little experiment with off-camera flash, although I wasn’t well equipped with tripods and diffusers so I was a bit limited with what I could do. Continue reading “WWII Tank Traps” →
Lyme Regis Posted on 8th December 201213th April 2020 by Laurence I have ‘Lyme Regis’ as a saved search in my wordpress app, so I check it once every couple of days to look for any inspiring photos etc, especially now I’ve moved away and have lived in Sussex for about 16 months. I thought I’d use this to see if anyone actually uses saved searches, I know the post may be found in other ways but do people actually use saved searches? So for anyone that has ‘Lyme Regis’ as a saved search, here’s a short pick of my photos and if you do, post a comment and let me know your thoughts . Continue reading “Lyme Regis” →
For my French Followers Posted on 5th October 201217th April 2020 by Laurence I’ve noticed a number of visits recently from France in my stats, and likes from a few French blogs, probably something to do with my previous post. Continue reading “For my French Followers” →
France 2005 Posted on 4th October 201217th April 2020 by Laurence La Mairie de Vannes I haven’t been updating this blog as often as I’d like, so I had this little idea that once in a while I’d take a little look back at something I’ve done, or somewhere I’ve been somewhere in the past. Today, I’m going to share some of my experiences of a 16 day trip to France in 2005; just me and my car. The main reason for going was because I fancied touring abroad in my new (to me) Audi Cabiolet. I didn’t plan a lot in advance. In fact all I did plan ahead were the Channel Tunnel crossings there and back. I booked them the day before I left. Another day before that was when I decided I was going to go on holiday. Sorry folks, it’s a long post, so I’ve had to add just the first snippet to the homepage. Continue reading “France 2005” →