Washed up bike

Is photography Art?

1. the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be app

On The Guardian’s website today, I read an article, obviously by a regular columnist, talking about the most expensive photograph ever to be sold, at $6.5m (somewhere north of £4million). The columnist states:

Continue reading “Is photography Art?”

Cornbury Festival 2013


I haven’t been to a music festival before apart from Glastonbury when I was way too young to remember, so I jumped at the opportunity to go to Cornbury Festival when my employer advertised for people to work two shifts there in return for two full weekend tickets including accommodation. Now the weekend is approaching, and we don’t know quite what to expect.

Primarily, we’re unsure how we’re going to run a high street coffee shop in a tent in a field, and we’re unsure just how busy it’s going to be, but I’m guessing it’s going to be pretty busy.

Our tickets and staff passes have now come through, and the Cornbury Festival website now has a map of the site, and it’s all getting pretty exciting…

Welcome to my blog…

Well here it is, my new blog. I’ve been contemplating blogging for quite some time (years, in fact), but could never quite warrant clogging the Internet up further with more useless ramblings (I’m not by any means saying that blogs are useless, I’ve read many brilliant ones). I am perhaps creating this more as a reminder to me about things I have come across in work or travel. This blog will probably fall into that ever increasing category of blogs that are updated perhaps a maximum of once a month, but hey, let’s see how it goes.