Photo Project – Kodak No 2 Folding Brownie Posted on 20th July 201522nd February 2022 by Laurence I’ve been intending to get back into film photography for a long time. After completing an A Level in photography eight years ago, I rewarded myself with a second hand Digital SLR, and never picked up a film camera again. That has all changed now though. I couldn’t warrant the cost of paying £10-odd a time to get films processed without even getting prints or a CD of them, and especially not knowing whether I would even get any negatives that were anything other than plain black or plain white rectangles, so I duly went and bought all the equipment and chemicals to process them myself. Continue reading “Photo Project – Kodak No 2 Folding Brownie” →
Is photography Art? Posted on 10th December 201412th April 2020 by Laurence art ɑːt/ noun 1. the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be app On The Guardian’s website today, I read an article, obviously by a regular columnist, talking about the most expensive photograph ever to be sold, at $6.5m (somewhere north of £4million). The columnist states: Continue reading “Is photography Art?” →
The Supercars of Piazza Italia 2014 Posted on 6th May 201412th April 2020 by Laurence Horsham Piazza Italia, in its eighth year in 2014, and billed as one of the biggest free events in the South (well maybe West Sussex), is a three-day event over Easter weekend celebrating all things Italian, including markets, music and cars. Continue reading “The Supercars of Piazza Italia 2014” →
West Horsham Railway Station Posted on 10th October 201312th April 2020 by Laurence The old railway station at Christ’s Hospital, known as ‘West Horsham Christ’s Hospital’, was opened at the start of the 20th Century, at the time the Christ’s Hospital school relocated from London because they wanted more rural surroundings. The school contributed to the cost of constructing the station, which consisted of seven platforms when it originally opened. Continue reading “West Horsham Railway Station” →
WWII Tank Traps Posted on 15th August 201312th April 2020 by Laurence Yesterday I went exploring near Horsham, and discovered further World War II defences on the Arun-Ouse Stop Line; a small bridge crossing the river Arun west of Horsham was defended by two tank traps or ‘coffins’, designed to stop tanks from getting through and crossing the bridge. Another little experiment with off-camera flash, although I wasn’t well equipped with tripods and diffusers so I was a bit limited with what I could do. Continue reading “WWII Tank Traps” →
Try This: Light Painting Posted on 23rd July 201312th April 2020 by Laurence So I’ve created a new category for my blog: “Try This“. Here I’m going to post occasional articles about projects for you to try, with tips and ideas. Make it a weekend project, or a day project, whatever you like. Tonight I’m going to suggest you try Light Painting. There are a number of different interpretations to this, but the easiest thing to do is essentially to get a torch, put the camera on a tripod with a long exposure, and move the torch around in front of the camera. How easy is it? Continue reading “Try This: Light Painting” →
Cornbury Festival 2013 Posted on 30th June 201312th April 2020 by Laurence I haven’t been to a music festival before apart from Glastonbury when I was way too young to remember, so I jumped at the opportunity to go to Cornbury Festival when my employer advertised for people to work two shifts there in return for two full weekend tickets including accommodation. Now the weekend is approaching, and we don’t know quite what to expect. Primarily, we’re unsure how we’re going to run a high street coffee shop in a tent in a field, and we’re unsure just how busy it’s going to be, but I’m guessing it’s going to be pretty busy. Our tickets and staff passes have now come through, and the Cornbury Festival website now has a map of the site, and it’s all getting pretty exciting…
Nuclear Bunker visit Posted on 24th June 201312th April 2020 by Laurence I’ve already posted about a couple of trips that I made this week, now I’m getting round to my third trip; to a derelict nuclear bunker. Continue reading “Nuclear Bunker visit” →
World War II Pillbox, Horsham, West Sussex Posted on 20th June 201312th April 2020 by Laurence It didn’t rain, so I went out with my camera today. I actually went out exploring twice, so the included photos are actually from two separate visits. Continue reading “World War II Pillbox, Horsham, West Sussex” →
Out with the camera, finally Posted on 20th June 201317th December 2020 by Laurence I moved house at the beginning of March this year, and most things are still packed away in boxes. I kept my digital camera equipment out so I could use it, and obviously, I haven’t. In fact excepting a few iPhone imports to be done, my most recent folder in my Lightroom catalogue is from way back in January. Continue reading “Out with the camera, finally” →