New year, new…resolution?

New year’s resolutions are not really my thing. I don’t really see the need to wait for a new year to decide to achieve something. January in the UK is often seen as a difficult time for many people; recovering from the excesses of alcohol and spending of Christmas, coupled with it being a long month in the depths of an often grey British winter. The only real resolution I had made in the last ten years or so was at the beginning of 2020 when I vowed to go and visit some new countries that I hadn’t visited before. And then Covid-19.

Fast forward to February 2022. I still haven’t been to a new country since making that resolution (I can’t really count a few days in Scotland). During January, I managed to get ill with Covid myself, so I had plenty of time to think. As a result, I’ve decided to revive this site somewhat. I also went on eBay and ended up with quite a selection of old cameras.

So what’s next?

Most of the cameras work fully, some work partially, others…less so. Continuing on a theme I briefly started on this site, many years ago (and the last one here), I’ve decided to take each camera in turn and have a go with it, documenting my experiences somehow along the way. In due course, there will be one post about each camera, recording how I got on with it, likes, dislikes and such, along with some results and usage tips. Call it a review, if you like. I’m fortunate that I have two friends who have recently been motivated to take up film photography too. Hopefully we can support each other along the way.

My camera collection as it stands; entries from around 1910 up to the 1980s (at a guess).

In that single day on eBay, I bought 22 more cameras. Add to the half a dozen or so that I already had, that gives me plenty of subject matter to fill these dull pages with. Hopefully in due course, these posts can inspire someone to have a go, or help out someone who is struggling to get started with one of these cameras. Using a film camera is a satisfying experience and I am a firm believer that it will help hone any photographer’s skills. Whether you use a smartphone and post to Instagram, or are a seasoned photographer with professional digital equipment, you can benefit. When you factor cost and time, you think differently about your photography; you don’t get the instant feedback and it costs you money every time you click the button. That makes you think more about every aspect of each shot.

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