Inside the ROC bunker

Nuclear Bunker visit

I’ve already posted about a couple of trips that I made this week, now I’m getting round to my third trip; to a derelict nuclear bunker.

The Royal Observer Corps (ROC) was actually founded in 1925, but in the 1950s with the threat of nuclear war from Russia, they were tasked with monitoring the fallout from any nuclear attack. A network of bunkers were built across the country, in groups of three or four that could communicate with each other, and a master post that had radio communication. Each bunker was 7-8 miles apart, with more than 1,500 across the country. By 1991, all of the posts had been shut down. Around the country, some still exist, a few are accessible, and even fewer are in good condition. I’m no historian, but plenty of information is available on the history of the group.

I was lucky enough to visit one such post that is still in good condition, with several items from the original inventory still present inside. This post was opened in 1961, and closed in 1991, so it was among the last to remain active after many were closed in the late 1960s. Some photos are below.

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