Perseids 2010 Posted on 15th August 201012th April 2020 by Laurence So another year of the Perseids approaches an end, and another fine display. It was my second annual trip to the Norman Lockyer Observatory near Sidmouth was once again fascinating. Interesting talks, a brilliant planetarium display, and the opportunity to look through telescopes at various night sky landmarks and talk to amateurs and experts about all things astronomy. Of course, the site is ideal for observing Perseids with little light pollution nearby. I saw nowhere near as many meteors while I was there this year as I did last year, but I saw several bright ones when I got back home, some of which were fireballs and lit the ground for a short time. There aren’t many days left to see the Perseids this year, we need to make the most of it, as next year they are going to be obscured by a bright moon, so I’m assuming that only the very brightest ones will be visible. Although apparently the Geminids meteor shower in December is set to be a good one, so look out for those. As mentioned in a previous post I am now set on getting a telescope, primarily for astrophotography. Annual membership of the Norman Lockyer Observatory I think is only £20, so a worthwhile investment to allow me to meet up with observers and have a go before I invest in a telescope. Once again, it’s finding the time to do all these things. Thanks to Twitter user @VirtualAstro of for his great information about meteor showers and observing that has helped inform this post and helped me keep in touch with the events of this year’s Perseids. Related posts